Numbers, Data & Facts
Eisenmann Druckguss was founded in 1933.
Number of employees:
Eisenmann Druckguss currently employs about 170 people.
Production of zinc and aluminum die castings
with its own toolmaking department, CNC machining and component manufacturing.
Measuring using the latest measuring devices
Quality management in the automotive industry:
Eisenmann Druckguss is certified to ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 certification.
Environmental and Energy Management System:
Eisenmann Druckguss uses the systems DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 50001.
Extensive customer structure
from many industries (automotive, power transmission and precision engineering, mechanical engineering, building services / plumbing, electrical).
Highest quality
in the fields of product, delivery, availability, customer service..
Team-oriented, holistic thinking in all areas.
Troubleshooting and fair partnerships are a matter of course..
Supplier Code of Conduct:
We set standards for the best working conditions in the supply chain.

Download Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF)
Get more information
for example in our corporate brochure (PDF | 1,8 MB | Download).

Eisenmann Druckguss was founded in 1933.

Eisenmann Druckguss currently employs about 170 people.

with its own toolmaking department, CNC machining and component manufacturing.

Eisenmann Druckguss is certified to ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 certification.

Eisenmann Druckguss uses the systems DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 50001.

from many industries (automotive, power transmission and precision engineering, mechanical engineering, building services / plumbing, electrical).

in the fields of product, delivery, availability, customer service..

Team-oriented, holistic thinking in all areas.

Troubleshooting and fair partnerships are a matter of course..

We set standards for the best working conditions in the supply chain.

Download Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF)

for example in our corporate brochure (PDF | 1,8 MB | Download).

Our Philosophy
Eisenmann staff always give 100%!
Basis of our success is the high quality of products, guaranteed by the use of new technologies, as well as timely deliveries at competitive prices. These basic elements result in a partnership with our customers. Guidelines for our thoughts and actions is our business philosophy, “Holistic management – People First and as the center”.
Each employee is responsible at his work for the organization of his work and the associated quality itself. He is encouraged to constantly participate actively in the improvement of production and workflows within the team and in the group work and design. Every employee should get involved creatively and develop fully according to his inclinations and abilities.
We therefore attach great importance in all aspects: information, motivation, communication, coordination and cooperation and encourages a continuous learning process and the daily practical implementation of these premises mentioned by the company’s workshops and seminars.
High professional knowledge and ability, commitment and innovation of our employees are a guarantee for success in our holistically managed companies for our customers and all employees involved in the process.
Each employee is responsible at his work for the organization of his work and the associated quality itself. He is encouraged to constantly participate actively in the improvement of production and workflows within the team and in the group work and design. Every employee should get involved creatively and develop fully according to his inclinations and abilities.
We therefore attach great importance in all aspects: information, motivation, communication, coordination and cooperation and encourages a continuous learning process and the daily practical implementation of these premises mentioned by the company’s workshops and seminars.
High professional knowledge and ability, commitment and innovation of our employees are a guarantee for success in our holistically managed companies for our customers and all employees involved in the process.

Eisenmann staff always give 100%!
since company formation
in Villingen
every day
for you.
work performed
die castings
per second
from each individual
Quality Management
Below you have the opportunity to view our certificates:
In order to consolidate the acquired market position and to secure the future of the company, a quality management system based on ISO 9001:2015 and IATF 16949 was implemented and documented in a quality manual.
In this Quality Management Manual (QMM) our quality management system is described in summary. We also want to secure and expand the achieved level of quality today.
The QMM defines all processes, rules and procedures that are practiced in the company, for
In this Quality Management Manual (QMM) our quality management system is described in summary. We also want to secure and expand the achieved level of quality today.
The QMM defines all processes, rules and procedures that are practiced in the company, for
- all employees
- customers
- suppliers and
- auditors
in a clear, precise and understandable way.

Quality Policy
Base of entrepreneurial activities of the company Eisenmann Druckguss GmbH are the demands and expectations of our customers. Only if our customer’s expectations are met, the partners (customers, employees, suppliers, society) can make the company Eisenmann a win / win system.
Therefore, all divisions must be geared to meet customer needs:
- Basis for a successful business relationship is completing mutual demands and expectations. We therefore need to understand the customer needs, meet and even exceed the expectations.
- The basic needs of people (recognition, possessiveness, contact information, action and striving for success) in the company are omnipresent in our consciousness.
- The relationship with our suppliers should be designed in partnership.
- The focus of our relationship with customers, employees, suppliers and society is communication.
- The future of the company and thus securing jobs is guaranteed mainly by a distinctive quality awareness of employees.
- Environment a pressing concern for Eisenmann and a part of the corporate policy.
Environmental- and Energy Management
Below you have the opportunity to view our certificates
Through the careful use of all resources in the planning and manufacture of our products we want to pollute the environment as little as possible.
We are constantly trying to reduce the gate to a minimum and – if it is technically possible – to reduce part weight.
We regularly set environmental and energy objectives to continuously improve to further reduce the environmental impacts. Our ongoing efforts to improve resource and energy efficiency are both an aspect to protect the environment as well as a element to ensure competitiveness for our customers and ourselves.
The economical use of energy is a major concern for us. We aim to continously improve our energy performance.
Furthermore, compliance with all environmental, energy and safety and labor law Eisenis a commitment that has top priority for us. Periodically, internal environmental audits and environmental inspections take place.
Through regular training and instruction we support the
environmental-, energy-, and safety awareness of all employees and it is reflected in daily thought and action. In our three production facilities 1, 2 and 3 a functioning and certified environmental and energy management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 50001 is in place.
We are constantly trying to reduce the gate to a minimum and – if it is technically possible – to reduce part weight.
We regularly set environmental and energy objectives to continuously improve to further reduce the environmental impacts. Our ongoing efforts to improve resource and energy efficiency are both an aspect to protect the environment as well as a element to ensure competitiveness for our customers and ourselves.
The economical use of energy is a major concern for us. We aim to continously improve our energy performance.
Furthermore, compliance with all environmental, energy and safety and labor law Eisenis a commitment that has top priority for us. Periodically, internal environmental audits and environmental inspections take place.
Through regular training and instruction we support the
environmental-, energy-, and safety awareness of all employees and it is reflected in daily thought and action. In our three production facilities 1, 2 and 3 a functioning and certified environmental and energy management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 50001 is in place.
Below you have the opportunity to view our certificates