Welcome to our internal reporting centre in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act!
As a responsible company, we take our obligation to protect employees, customers, partners and the public interest very seriously. For this reason, we have set up this internal reporting centre to ensure that you can report concerns, irregularities or grievances securely and confidentially. Our reporting centre has been established in accordance with the provisions of this law and provides you with a safe and secure platform to report possible violations or ethical concerns. We understand that it can often be difficult to raise ethical concerns or report breaches. Therefore, we have implemented strict safeguards and protections to ensure that your identity is kept strictly confidential. We encourage you to contact the internal reporting centre without fear of reprisal or retaliation. The dedicated staff in the internal reporting centre will carefully review your report and take appropriate steps to resolve the issue or investigate further. We are committed to maintaining the integrity of our organisation and ensuring that ethical standards are upheld. Reporting an incident is simple and straightforward. Simply use our secure reporting form which you can access via the following link:
You also have the option of contacting us anonymously if you prefer.
Alternatively, you can also contact the internal reporting office by post or telephone. In this case, however, anonymisation is not possible:
vimopro GmbH
- internal reporting office -
Benediktinerring 10
78050 Villingen-Schwenningen
Phone: +49 7721 69811 50
E-mail: whistleblower@vimopro.de
We thank you in advance for your support in maintaining our high standards of ethics and integrity. Together we can build a trustworthy and responsible organisation.
In principle, you also have the right to contact an external reporting centre directly. However, the law prioritises the route via the internal reporting office. Nevertheless, if you are concerned that you could still face reprisals, you can contact one of the following external reporting centres, depending on the type of violation:
Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 16
53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 94 99 - 0
Fax: +49 228 94 99 - 400
The Bundeskartellamt is the reporting centre for information on the following topics:
- prohibited agreements restricting competition between companies (prohibition of cartels) between competitors (horizontal) or between suppliers and customers (vertical)
- on prohibited behaviour by dominant companies or companies with relative or superior market power (abuse supervision),
- other breaches of competition law by companies (e.g. calls for supply or procurement freezes, breaches of the prohibition on enforcement under merger control law or breaches of orders issued by the Federal Cartel Office),
- prohibited behaviour of large online platforms as gatekeepers (including violations of the Digital Markets Act)
Information should be submitted via:
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
Whistleblower Office
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn
Phone: 0228 / 4108 - 2355
The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority is the reporting centre for information on the following topics:
- Offences in the area of financial services
- Offences in the area of financial products
- Offences in the area of financial markets
- Violations in the area of combating money laundering and terrorist financing
Information should be submitted via:
Federal Office of Justice
Adenauerallee 99 - 103
53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 99 410-40
Fax: +49 228 410-5050
The Federal Office of Justice is responsible for all other types of offences under the Whistleblower Protection Act. In case of doubt, this reporting office also forwards reports that do not fall within its area of responsibility to the other reporting offices.
Information should be submitted via: